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Hit The Books Will Focus on Three Key Pillars Intended to Shape its Students’ Upbringings:

(i) Educational Services, (ii) Mentorship, and (iii) Mixed Martial Arts.


HTB’s after-school tutoring program is intended to support each respective Student’s school curriculum.


High school students in the community that have excelled in their own academics serve as tutors to help Students with HTB's academic curriculum, and serve as mentors.


HTB's Program Manager and Program Coordinator oversee academic programming and tutors.


Data-driven approach to curriculum and progress with iReady software.

HTB offers both informal mentorship through the motivational gym culture and continual presence of role models, and aims to implement more formal mentorship programs for its Students, focused on emotional development.


HTB will have a full-time counselor on its Board as part of the program.


As Students ’graduate’ HTB, they will be encouraged to come back and mentor current Students, creating a self-sustaining mentorship community.

HTB offers mixed martial arts classes provided five days a week on a rotating basis to all Students.


HTB has an in-house (full-time) head coach, in charge of designing a comprehensive mixed martial arts and fitness curriculum and leading classes.


HTB has also recruited several volunteers to support the Head of Mixed Martial Arts with daily classes.


HTB’s MMA classes focus on technical instruction and physical development rather than physical altercation or "sparring".

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©2021 by Hit the Books, Inc.

501(c)(3) Organization

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